Restoration of educational standard of Madais a huge challenge: Religious scholars

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

A high-powered delegation of Jamia-tur-Rasheed Karachi and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan led by Mufti Ahmad Afnan, head of the curriculum committee, visited the central secretariat of MQI and the office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan.

Speaking on the occasion, Mufti Ahmad Afnan said that restoration of the educational standard and dignity of religious seminaries is a great challenge. He said that Madaris should benefit from each others' experiences, educational curriculum, and observations so that quality education could be provided to the students in line with the contemporary requirements. He said that we should aim at making them capable of serving the community and religion in the best possible manner.

Mufti Ahmad Afnan said that the departments of teacher training, curriculum designing, and educational instructions have achieved many milestones under the supervision of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. He said that we are happy that a large number of educational experts are associated with the subsidiary educational institutions of MQI who are driven by the passion to benefit the community with their knowledge and expertise.

On their arrival at the central secretariat, president Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan Allama Mufti Imdadullah Qadri, Allama Mir Asif Akbar, Dr Mumtaz-ul-Hassan Barvi, Allama Ain-ul-Haq Baghdadi, Dr Shafaqat Ali Baghdadi, and Mufti Muhammad Khalil Hanfi welcomed the delegation.

The delegation consisted of Maulana Arshad Bangash, Naib Nazim Academics of federal educational board Mujma-ul-Aloom al-Islamia, Director Training Maulana Altaf-ur-Rahman and Maulana Nafees-ur-Haq Saqib, member of the curriculum committee and Nazim Punjab Maulana Faheem-ul-Hassan Thanvi.

The delegation visited Farid-e-Millat Research Institute, Production Department, and Minhaj TV. Mufti Imdadullah Qadri, Allama Mir Asif Akbar, and Allama Ain-ul-Haq Baghdadi briefed the delegation about new syllabi, examination system, and teacher training program of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan.

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

Jamia-tur-Rasheed and Majma-ul-Uloom al-Islamia Pakistan visited office of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan


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