Educational system of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan

1- Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan will organize the system of education on such modern and productive lines as will help in empowering students and teachers to build on their scholarly and research potential.

2- Special arrangements will be made for the online lectures of national and international experts and professionals in the educational system of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan.

3- This system of instruction will be available on web TV and digital platforms.

4- All religious seminaries/institutions registered with Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan will be gradually persuaded and encouraged to set up modern computer labs and digital libraries.

5- Separate department/directorate will be set up to assess the research, creative and scholarly capabilities of teachers and students. This department will not only review their performance but also suggest measures to further strengthen their creative potential.


The educational system of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan has been divided into the following ‎categories:‎

‎1. al-Ibtidaiya: Equivalent to primary [5 years]‎
‎2. al-Mutawassita: Equivalent to middle (Hifz wa Tajweed) [3 years]‎
‎3. al-Shahada al-Thanawiyya al-Aama with matriculation [2 years]‎
‎4. al-Shahada al-Thanawiyya al-Khassa with intermediate [2 years)‎
‎5. al-Shahada al-Aaliya: Equivalent to graduation [2 years]‎
‎6. al-Shahada al-Aalamiyya fi al-Ulum al-Arabiyya wal-Islamiyya: Equivalent to MA in Arabic ‎& Islamic Studies [2 years]‎
‎7. Specialization:‎
‎(i) Specialization in Qur’anic Sciences and Exegesis (Ulum al-Quran wa al-Tafseer)‎
‎(ii) Specialization in Hadith Studies (Ulum al-Hadith)‎
‎(iii) Specialization in Islamic Jurisprudence and Legal Rulings (al-Fiqh wa al-Ifta)‎
‎(iv) Specialization in Arabic language (al-Lugha al-Arabiyya)‎
‎(v) Specialization in Islamic Doctrine (al-Aqida)‎
‎(vi) Specialization in Islamic Mysticism (al-Tasawwuf)‎


Legal status of the Degree

Degree of International Martyrdom in Arabic and Islamic Sciences degree issued under “Nizam Al Madaris Pakistan”. O Arabic and Islamic will be equal. Degrees / certificates issued by Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan will be acceptable for educational, teaching and administrative positions / services in all levels of civil and military, government and semi-government and non-government institutions.

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